Hunter (#6339)
5 Plays

1. Phill (NIV)
Abraham is an old man, god promised him a son when he was 100 years old Abraham had to run from Egypt’s pharaoh because he lied to him saying his Wife Was his sister, they traveled far and wide until. Olivia: Abraham enters, Zachary: God says, “Abraham!” Hunter: Abraham “says Here I am” Olivia: God says: “Take your son, your ONLY son, go to the land of moriah and offer him there.” Zachary: The Next Day…… Hunter: Abraham enters, Isaac enters Olivia: Isaac: “Father, where are we going” Zachary: Abraham: “My son, we are going to go to a far place to offer to the lord God.” 🌎 Hunter: Abraham traveled up the mountain for days.(they went up the mountain because God said so and Abraham listened to God. Olivia :Part ….. ️⃣ Zachary: Isaac asks: “Father, we are at the altar but we have no offering”❓ Olivia: Abraham: “you are, THE OFFERING. 😮 Zachary: Isaac: Father, why must you do this?😭 Hunter: “The Lord has commanded me to do this.”🫡 Olivia: Angel: Abraham, do not lay your hand on your son! Zachary: Abraham say a ram when he opened his eyes Hunter: the ram Get Stuck in a bush Olivia: Abraham: I guess we sacrifice this ram instead of Isaac Zachary: The lord provide them by the ram came so Abraham doesn’t sacrifice his son Hunter: Abraham did this because God tested Abraham's faith in God. Olivia : They have sacrificed the ram and went home 🏡 Zachary: There family then was blessed Hunter: The end LeArm Jahames O<————-O————>O ||| /\ / \
2. Philliam (NIV)
Okay okay I’m okay okay with this pizza I have a lot to go with it and then I’ll go to the grocery shopping for my mom to go get my nails and stuff for the next day off and I have a plan to do and I can go with you if you need anything but I’m not going anywhere else to do that anymore and I’m not sure what to say but I’m not going anywhere anywhere I don’t have a car anywhere I don’t have a lot to go anywhere anywhere else I have a car.
