Gabbi Grimm (#69)
55 Plays

1. Insatiable (NIV)
Impossible to satisfy; voracious
2. Obscure (NIV)
Hard to see or understand;not well known; vague
3. Oblivious (NIV)
Unaware; not concerned about what's happening around one
4. Placate (NIV)
To calm one's anger of;
5. Scoff (NIV)
To express contempt for; to jeer; to mock
6. Precarious (NIV)
Dangerously unstable; not securely held or in position
7. Base (NIV)
Crude; low; without honor or decency; without moral principals
8. Deft (NIV)
Skillful and quick in one's movements; demonstrating skill and cleverness
9. Herald (NIV)
An official messenger bringing news; a sign that something is about to happen
10. Lament (NIV)
To grieve over or regret deeply
11. Squeamish (NIV)
Easily shocked or sickened
12. Cumbersome (NIV)
Hard to carry, bear, or manage; large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use
13. Tirade (NIV)
A long or angry speech of criticism or denunciation
14. Cursory (NIV)
Quick and not through; hasty so therefore not detailed
15. Animosity (NIV)
Open hatred; strong hostility
16. Brood (NIV)
To worry persistently or moodily about something or to fret
17. Bane (NIV)
A cause of ripping or harm; cause of great distress or annoyance
18. Allay (NIV)
To lessen or clam; to put at rest; diminish; assuage
19. Expedite (NIV)
To speed up the process of; to make something happen or to be accomplished more quickly
20. Fickle (NIV)
Changing frequently one's loyalties, interests, or affection; having changeable or inconstant feelings
21. Query (NIV)
A question
