Powerful Quotes
The 3AM Physician (#13)
38 Plays

1. Desire of Ages 555.6 (TLV)
Holiness is wholeness for God; it is the entire surrender of heart and life to the indwelling of the principles of heaven.
2. Ministry of Healing 281.3 (TLV)
Gratitude, rejoicing, benevolence, trust in God's love and care—these are health's greatest safeguard.
3. Acts of the Apostles 566.1 (TLV)
The greatest praise that men can bring to God is to become consecrated channels through whom He can work.
4. Adventist Home 21.2 (TLV)
The home should be to the children the most attractive place in the world, and the mother's presence should be its greatest attraction.
5. Adventist Home 32.2 (TLV)
The greatest evidence of the power of Christianity that can be presented to the world is a well-ordered, well-disciplined family.
6. Selected Messages Book 1 page 121.1 (TLV)
A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work.
