All the fact I learned!
teen man (#7333)
0 Plays

1. A Friends fact (NIV)
You never know if a friend will be the same tomorrow or will be completely different the next day
2. A Enemy fact (NIV)
God can use them for good Even through they don’t believe in him!
3. Prayer facts (NIV)
Satan can literally block your prayers from God
4. Problem facts (NIV)
Every problem, (not physical problems), in time, will be answered by the opposite better side of that problem. /Joy comes in the morning!
5. God and you facts (NIV)
God tests you so it might not bee a punishment and God always gets the right person for the right job
6. Earthly things facts (NIV)
Nothing is lasting long, all is vanity and all things will never stay fun.
7. In the future facts (NIV)
God will pour out his spirit near the end.
8. Gods will facts (NIV)
(This is from one of my other ones) He will never give us something that is too hard for you
