VCES 1st Grade Speech
scilingo (#456)
32 Plays

1. Animals to Love (NIV)
Animals furry. Animals fuzzy. Cats that are purry, Bees that are buzzy. Animals slim, Animals slippery. Birds that are trim. Fish that are flippery. Animals humpy. Animals cuddly. Camels so bumpy. Ducks that are puddly. Some are the pets To come when I call. Others are just To love and that’s all!
2. The Animal Store (NIV)
If I had a hundred dollars to spend, Or maybe a little more, I’d hurry as fast as my legs would go Straight to the animal store. I wouldn’t say, “How much for this or that?” “What kind of dog is he?” I’d buy as many as rolled an eye, Or wagged a tail at me! I’d take the hound with the drooping ears That sits by himself alone; Cockers and Cairns and wobbly pups For to be my very own. I might buy a parrot all red and green, And the monkey I saw before. If I had a hundred dollars to spend, Or maybe a little more.
